The key case study of SARLAKES is Lake Garda, Italy

«Suso in Italia bella giace un laco, a piè de l’Alpe che serra Lamagna sovra Tiralli, c’ha nome Benaco.» (Dante Alighieri, Inferno, Canto XX)

Lake Garda, known as Lago di Garda in Italian or lago Benaco, is the largest lake in Italy, situated in the northern part of the country. It stretches across three regions: Lombardy to the west, Veneto to the east, and Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol to the north. Its location at the edge of the Dolomite Mountains places it at the interface between the Alps and the Po Valley. It combines a large and relatively simple round-shaped geometry in the southern part with an elongated and narrow area surrounded by a steep orography in the northern trunk. It is occasionally subject to long-lasting storm winds, e.g. Foehn, leading to long fetch wave events.