The SARLAKES Project

SpatiAlly Resolved veLocity and wAves from SAR images in laKES

The SARLAKES Project will develop an innovative, powerful and flexible tool for the accurate estimation of water dynamics in medium/large-size lakes thorugh the exploitation of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) products


SARLAKES aims to simplify monitoring by using spaceborne SAR to map wind fields, surface currents, and wind waves on lake surfaces.

Tools & Methods

SAR data combines with optical satellite data and in-situ measurements from traditional equipment to enhance monitoring accuracy.


Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA-CNR), Institute for Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (IMATI-CNR), University of Trento, University of Brescia



Lakes are key natural and economic resources. Due to their delicate ecological equilibria and long water renewal time, they are largely sensitive to pollution and climate change, and their monitoring is of primary importance.

The water quality and the overall ecological state of a lake are strictly dependent on the mixing dynamics and transport processes. Flow fields and the main physical quantities they depend on (wind forcing and water stratification) are traditionally monitored with in-situ point measurements, a labor intensive activity.

The main case study of the project is Lake Garda, the largest Italian lake. Here the development, testing, calibration and validation of SARLAKES modules will be carried out.

Project Partner